Tokyo Biennale
Tokyo Biennale
× Ondesign
Urbanism, Art,
and Designing the in-between.
Ondesign has played a leading role as venue conductors in the International Art Festival Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021. What does it mean for an architect to be involved in an art festival? To what extent can chemical reactions be triggered when an architect takes a leap into the art field?
An art festival, driven by a private sector, connects art to society.
キュレーター・長谷川裕子によると、ビエンナーレやトリエンナーレなどの芸術祭は、「都市を巻き込んで行われる大規模国際展であるため、社会的な影響が大きいキュレートリアルの行為の一つである。」(『キュレーション 知と感性を揺さぶる力』/集英社新書刊)という。芸術祭は往々にして「場の活性化」を主な目的としてかかげるがゆえに、ほとんどの芸術祭が行政主体であり、アートそのものが発するステイトメントよりも展覧会を通しての教育、啓発、経済効果が評価される傾向にある。しかし、東京ビエンナーレは、完全に民間主体の芸術祭。2018年に市民委員会を発足させ、これまで地道な準備を進めてきた。約60組を超えるアートプロジェクトが「地場から発する」ようにあちこちで自発的に組織されており、コロナ禍のなかでも制作活動を続けている。
Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021 is an international art festival taking place in summer 2021. While being initially planned to take off the summer of 2020 and postponed for a year due to the unprecedented outbreak of the pandemic, the Tokyo Biennale team has worked diligently step by step through the hectic extra year, to make it happen at last.
Many art festivals exist, both within the country and overseas, whereas it is the first official biennale to be held in Tokyo. An art festival to take place in the huge metropolis has been spotlighted especially for its venue.
“An art festival is the ultimate form of curatorial demeanor to create social impact, as it essentially involves the city as a whole” as quoted by curator Yuko Hasegawa. As is often the case, art festivals are sponsored by public sectors aiming for revitalizations of the areas, and therefore the evaluations of these festivals tend to be based on how much impact they have on education, enlightenment, and economic growth, rather than the statements and the messages individual artworks convey. Tokyo Biennale, on the other hand, started off by collection members of the Tokyo Biennale Citizens Committee, and has been ever since operated completely by a non-profit, private organization. All across Tokyo, more than 60 art projects are initiatively constructed, as if emerging from the land and growing on their own.

東京ビエンナーレ2020/2021 メインビジュアル アートディレクション&デザイン:Asyl(佐藤直樹+菊地昌隆)
Implanting extraordinary sceneries into ordinariness.
In Tokyo Biennale, the art projects are spontaneously installed into ordinary buildings and spaces which are otherwise routinely used on a daily basis. The significance of this art festival lies in the fact that in this twitch of implanting something out of the ordinary into the sceneries people confront everyday, and often taken for granted, creates this inner sense of an intimate strangeness within the people, giving them an opportunity to rethink the values of daily routines, which a lot of people are otherwise unconscious about. In order to realize this vision, perhaps as important as, or even more important than the qualities of the artworks and the messages they convey, is to understand on a fundamental level, and empathize with the messages the venues themselves convey, as well as to design the experience of moving from one venue to another. Even though Tokyo has experienced drastic changes in the past 40 to 50 years, small but crucial traces of history still remain scattered throughout the city, identifying Tokyo as the complicated junction of countless spatial and chronological axes. Where in Tokyo do we hack to create an art point, and how do we do it? How do we install extraordinary sceneries and how do we connect the dots? Answering these questions are the ultimate game changers of a truly impactful art festival.
As venue conductors of the art festival designing the relationship between the city and art, Ondesign is responsible for this very role; to find solutions to these questions. Designing this “in-between” thoroughly and carefully brings about updating simultaneously the perceptions people have towards both city and art. Embedding an extraordinary element into an ordinary scenery changes the way people experience Tokyo. Tokyo as seen through the lens of “Tokyo Biennale” is a museum of movement by definition, and people discover, on a personal level, new ways of confronting art and developing the relationship.
What we do as venue conductors is impossible to dictate with limited words. Our job as venue conductors consists of multiple projects such as signage planning, venue excavations, route planning, and installing artworks on site. Through these projects we take on different approaches to achieve the goal of redefining the relationship between city and art. Throughout this Beyond Architecture article series, we aim to introduce each of these approaches in detail.
Project “Tokyo Z-ology” Exposing the desperate but romantic buildings that nest deep within Tokyo (
(作品の展示会場となりうる場所を見つけ出すために発足した、新規会場開拓チーム。リアルなまちを練り歩き、誰にも気づかれないけれども、東京の特徴と歴史を浮き彫りにするディープな物件を探す。/The “Tokyo Z-ology” team was established within Ondesign’s Tokyo Biennale Venue Conducting team to find potential venues in Tokyo. Walking around the actual city, we shed light on places that modestly highlight the characteristics and history of Tokyo, and which otherwise would never be noticed. )
Investigating how Tokyo Biennale logo signs appear in the city
(東京に「見なれぬ景色」をいかに演出するかは、アート作品そのものだけでは事足りず、オンデザインが主導するサイン計画もクリティカルな役割を担っている。/Ondesign is also responsible for the signage planning of the art festival, which also plays a critical role in bringing about “extraordinariness” into the urban context.)
Designing elements without physicality
What we are achieving as venue conductors is substantially different from what we would generally define as a “normal” job of an architect, in the sense that what we’re designing has no specific shape. Saying what we are actually doing is difficult to explain in words would be an understatement, and this is perhaps where the essence of this project truly lies.
Without question, architects, by definition, make architecture, and more so, that is our goal. Many architects would agree that creating architecture is often, and fundamentally, a series of processes that consume unbearable amounts of time: it is rarely the case that every single hour one spends working on the project leads directly to the accomplishment. On the other hand, it is more likely to be the case that what we are evaluated by is the actual architecture itself, built as the final outcome of the endless process. Over the past 10 years, Ondesign has been facing challenges to revolutionize the concept of “design” and to expand the definition. Designing not just the outcome but the process itself, and interactively involving clients and users in our design process are examples of new approaches to design collectively. We also take the initiative to become active players in the aftermath of the projects we design, instead of just passively observing as an outsider. Our mission as venue conductors of Tokyo Biennale finds its place in this very context of redefining design, designating “elements without any physical existence” as design subject, putting these nameless elements which would otherwise seem like “catching air,” and outputting it as spatial experiences in Tokyo’s the rich urban context.
It is inevitable that architecture is evaluated by the architecture alone: one can actually see the object which he or she is to evaluate, and the standards cannot be clearer. Is the architecture of any artistic value, in other words, is it designed by a worldly known architect? Is the architecture photogenic enough to be posted on one’s instagram and get satisfying amounts of likes? Does it have any historical or cultural significance? These are some of the questions that arise when our focus is on mere existing, visible objects.
Because we are not building actual architecture through this project, it is difficult to say how we are contributing as architects: one might even argue that we are forfeiting the professional role. However, the unavoidable fact that the final outcome of the long processes does not conclude itself as a physical existence but a sheer phenomenon derived by countless trial and errors, is evidence that we are taking a giant leap, and bringing in the inner architects into an outside field, finding substantial qualities in the process itself.
We aim for this Beyond Architecture articles series to be a manifestation to show the underlying philosophy and our approach, with every one of us having our own definition of what it means to be an architect, both as individuals and as partners.
project members
村田百合 yuri murata